
Harmonija – speciāli piemeklēti vingrinājumi fiziskajai slodzei no rīta. Apvienoti spēka un stiepšanās vingrinājumi visām galvenajām muskuļu grupām. Nodarbības laikā tiek izkustināts viss ķermenis, beidzot nodarbību Jūs esat enerğijas un prieka pilns sākt jaunu dienu. zemas intensitātes nodarbība



Step – aerobikas nodarbība, izmantojot Step platformas. Klasiskās aerobikas kustības un kombinācijas tiek veiktas uz speciāli tam paredzētajām platformām. Efektīvs sirds-asinsvadu treniņš, kurā tiek patērēts ne mazums kaloriju. Vidējas intensitātes nodarbība.

Olympic & Powerlifting

about powerlifting classes Whether you are a newbie or an experienced athlete, if you want to improve yourself and hone your physical condition, this is the place to be! Among our wide variety of CrossFit and fitness classes we offer a powerlifting services that meet no competition! Our gym’s powerlifting classes offer everything you will…


about fitness classes Our fitness classes have all the equipment necessary to provide a great exercise. For sure we do have traditional cardio equipment as well. That is one of our main focuses because cardiovascular fitness is indeed important.  Even the professional athletes who train at our classes essentially need this. In fact, unlike in…


about fitness classes Yoga is an important part of every fitness facility’s schedule nowadays. That is all due to yoga being so universal for all kinds of people and the overall benefits it brings to any person’s health and shape. The yoga classes listed below have a shorter duration time than our other classes on…


What is CrossFit? CrossFit is a principal strength and conditioning program. it’s used by many serious, law enforcement and military institutions. Oftentimes it’s used at the police academies and in military special operations units. As well as by hundreds of other amateur and professional athletes worldwide. CrossFit is a universal fitness program. It includes everything…